Brenau University always comes in handy with the surprises. The school sent out a mass email letting all students know they rented out the Yayoi Kusama: Infinity Mirrors exhibit at the High Museum for a few days for Brenau students, faculty, and staff. They even discounted our tickets for ONLY $8! I have never felt so blessed before.
My friend Charlene and I got our tickets right away and we couldn’t wait till Jan. 18 got here! We woke up earlier in the morning with excitement written all over our faces. We finally arrived to the High Museum and we were shaking in our boots waiting in line to enter the exhibit.
We entered the exhibit and the first room we stopped at was The Souls of Millions of Light Years. This room made me feel like I was on a trip of lights. In this room, all you could see where lights and all I could do was admire the beauty of everyone in the room in the lights. After we visited that room, we headed on down to the Phalli’s Field where I actually felt like I was in a field. The mirrors where position at a point where it seemed like the it was a never ending field.
The Aftermath of Obliteration of Eternity and Love Forever were the next rooms we visited which were both interested especially in the colors of the lights. After, we went to one of my favorite rooms of all which was the All the Eternal Love room. This room was filled with these unique pumpkins that were reflecting in the mirror of the room. Sadly, this room had no photography and we even had to leave our phones outside the room. The Love Transformed into Dots room was filled with big balls that were pink with black dots on them.
Finally, we reached the last room which was The Obliteration Room which was another one of my favorites. In this room, we all received a sheet of stickers in the shape of dots. The room was originally all white and visitors were able to come color the room up. The room was actually set like a room in someone’s home like a living room and kitchen.
After seeing all of those beautiful and eccentric rooms, all I could say was “Thank You, Yayoi Kusama.”
